What Determines a Personal Trainer Salary?




So you are passionate about health and fitness and are wondering whether you can make a career out of doing something you love. After all, if you choose a job that you love, then you will never have to work a day in your life....

The fitness industry is a dynamic and rewarding industry to work in and offers many different career paths and niches as you enhance your qualifications and become more accomplished over time.

Certified personal trainers tend to share an enthusiasm for keeping themselves fit and active and thrive on earning their income doing what they love in their spare time. Working as a personal trainer is both a mental and physical challenge, assisting and encouraging others to achieve their goals that can make incredible differences to their lives. The rewards of being such a vital cog in a client’s personal journey to physical wellness

How much can I earn as a PT:

The earning potential of a personal trainer is significantly higher than that of a fitness instructor and averages anywhere between £25,000 - £60,000 per annum depending on hourly rate charged and the number of hours worked per week.

Personal trainers are typically paid by the hour for each session with a client, in the UK earnings range from between £25-£50 per hour (top trainers can earn up to £100 per hour!)  and this will be dependant on a number of factors that we identify below.

The personal trainers that earn the most money are often boot camp instructors, weight loss experts or online personal trainers.

A career as a personal trainer is one that you can achieve with a little bit of hard work and determination. The issue of a personal trainer salary however is another matter altogether. The wages can vary depending on the services you offer. If you are serious about making personal training a full time career, then you must have a unique USP and target a specific audience.

Here are a few major factors that determine the salary most UK personal trainers are paid.


If you have no certifications in personal training, then you can be sure that the demand for your services is going to be lower. This means that your salary or wages are going to follow suit. The more knowledge you gain, the greater your chances of success with clients and the more reputable you will be as personal training is a results-driven vocation. This means that you can expect higher payment for your services. Invest in yourself to invest in your business.

If you are an expert in a fitness niche or two, then you are going to be considered an authority in that area, which will raise demands for your services. Some specialties are more demanding than others are. You will therefore find in much easier to charge higher services for your training services.

The kind of certification courses that you get also matter. Certifications courses offered by reputable personal training schools which are REPS accredited are much better for your wallet than those from lesser-known schools. You may want to consider that when applying for them.


The longer you have worked as a personal trainer, the more knowledge you will acquire. This is especially true if you have taken the time to stay updated with current scientific research and effective fitness training methods. You will also be in a better position to know what works for different clients and what does not. Because of all these things, the more experience you have, the more likely you are to earn higher personal training wages.


In some cities, people do not require a lot of motivation to stay fit because they have all the resources they require at their disposal. In other cities, the demand is much higher for personal trainers because everyone has other priorities and thus requires someone to keep them accountable.

The location that you will be working from therefore affects your pay scale. In cities like London for example, being a personal trainer is a good thing. This is because most people in the area are very conscious of how they look.

The location you work from can also work against you. This may happen if the supply of fitness instructor jobs far exceeds the demand.

You should therefore try to work in a location where the demand is high for fitness experts, yet the supply does not cause you to accept lower pay.

Fixed Salary Vs Hourly Wages:

How you are going to be paid will also affect how much you take home at the end of the day. Some employers will pay you per hour that you have worked while others will pay you a fixed salary. In both cases, you may also receive bonuses every year depending on how the business performs.

How you are paid may or may not be a good thing. The problem with hourly wages is that if you do not work, then you are not paid. However, if these wages are high enough, it may not matter.

On the other hand, a fixed salary may mean job security. However, the overall salary paid may be lower than what you should have earned if you put in more hours of work than what is required.

You must weigh up carefully the options you have as far as how you are paid is concerned. This way you will be able to decide on whether you are being paid fairly or not.

Type of services offered:

What kind of services will you be offering? If you are a highly qualified personal trainer who has specialised in a highly popular niche, then you should expect to be paid personal trainer salary that is much higher than usual.

If you intend to provide one-on-one training to individual clients, then your clients will be paying more for this extra attention. Group sessions however, are usually a bit cheaper, which may affect your overall take-home pay. If the number of people you train is large enough though, then you may end up making more money.

Bottom Line:

There is no one way of determining a personal trainers salary because the variants are too many. The above listed factors however, will help you make good estimates of how much you can earn.

Working Overseas:

Governing Bodies Different countries and different regions of the world are governed and controlled by different governing bodies and registers.

http://www.icreps.org is an international partnership of these bodies that register exercise professionals across four continents.

The following countries currently operate exercise registration bodies that are partners of ICREPs – therefore; qualifications approved by any of these bodies are transferable and recognised in each of the partner countries:

Fitness professionals must register with the register of the country/region where they obtained their qualification and then if working in another country, transfer their membership to the new register.

In the UK and Ireland, Gym Instructors and Personal Trainers traditionally needed to be registered with REPS – The Register of Exercise Professionals, but this body has less influence now and many in the industry are backing CIMSPA as the new authority and regulator of the domestic fitness industry.

To become registered with REPS, you need to be able to show that the fitness qualification you obtained is accredited by them. Once you have gained a recognised qualification from an approved training provider, you may then become a member of REPS at the relevant level.

Membership costs £40 per year. Throughout the rest of Europe, EREPS is the governing body for fitness professionals. Benefits of joining the register are that potential clients can find you on the REPS directory and will have confidence in knowing that you have been trained to a competent level. This gives you the credibility to begin training people and shows that you are certified. REPS requires its members to show that they are continuing with their professional development, ie you are required to up skill over time to keep your knowledge up to date with the constantly evolving industry.




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2. Send a photo or a scan of your passport ID (or driving license) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

3. Now scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the name of the course you have just enrolled on to enter the student members' area. 
    You will find all your course study materials located there.


4. To enter the student members' area, use the username and password that you created for yourself when you made your course booking on the previous page.

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EPTI TOP 10 Personal Trainer CAREER TIPS


1. Obtain a group fitness qualification, such as circuits or spinning and instruct classes for the experience of working with larger groups of people.

2. Train clients outdoors as well as within a gym/ studio environment. This will get you thinking more imaginatively and enable you to create fun and original sessions.

3. Don’t overlook the importance of nutrition. Creating goals in this area is an important step towards your client achieving long term results and overall health.

4. Sign up with a good accountant, they will save you their fee by giving you advice on what you can claim against for tax.

5. Have a clear cancellation policy for your clients and be assertive when applying the no-show fee to those bailing out within your required notice period.

10 Things You Must Do As A Personal Trainer


1. Always be professional. Be there when you said you would be there, make sure your appearance and hygiene are impeccable. Make sure the client is the focus of your attention the whole time you are with them. Always give 100% !!

2. Make sure that everyone knows that you do a great job…

3. When you start with a new client….always get as many baseline “before” measurements as possible. Take circumference measurements, weight, skinfold measurements, and PHOTOS!

4. Then, track and record your client’s progress as they make their journey towards achieving their goals. Make regular re-appraisals, take progress measurements and continue to take lots of photos.

7 Tips To Avoid When Choosing a Personal Trainer Course


Are you looking for more information on personal training courses?

Are you finding it difficult getting all the answers you want?

There's so much conflicting information out there it's difficult to know where to start!

So… to make your life easier I've put together a quick blog on the 7 Tips To Avoid When Choosing a Personal Trainer Courseand added a little information on what EPTI have to offer.

Use these 7 inside tips to guide you on finding the best Personal Training course for your requirements and to make an informed buying decision when you choose your course.


#1 “Empty” sales talk:

Okay, so you speak to a salesperson of “Corporate PT Training Company” on the telephone and they instantly promise you that if you take their certification, they will “guarantee” you an interview with “such and such health club” when you graduate.

What are they actually giving you here?

Lets look at this guarantee more closely…….

You’ve done all the hard work, you studied, passed the theory and practical assessments and gained a level 3 REPS/CIMSPA approved certification.

If a gym/ health club has vacancies, why wouldn’t you get an interview for a job that you are qualified to do? – you hold THE industry standard qualification! Certificates on their own don’t get you jobs… You do!

Our argument at EPTI is it’s all very well being given a guarantee to attend an interview, but we want you to nail that interview!

How do you do this?

Well, actually being prepared to become an effective personal trainer might be a good start. We concentrate on training people to be the best personal trainers, so that you can demonstrate your skills and knowledge during any interview.

Keep reading the points below to see how we do this….

On another point, because EPTI is not a huge corporate PT training machine, we open your eyes to the many possibilities available to a modern day PT and the methods to manage your own successful PT business.

Our PT Diploma courses include business acumen modules, that gives our graduates ALL the necessary tools to choose whatever career path suits them best.


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Large corporate companies employ pushy sales reps to reach sales targets