Creating Killer Content: 10 Tips for Writing Engaging Fitness Blogs (and over 30 ideas for fitness blogs)

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As a Personal Trainer, your knowledge of fitness and exercise is second to none. But what about your writing skills? As the fitness industry continues to grow, so does the importance of having a strong online presence. Blogging can help drive traffic to your website, generate leads, and ultimately increase revenue for your business.

In this blog, we'll provide tips and tricks for writing compelling fitness blogs that will attract and engage your audience. We'll also give you some ideas for topics you can write about to showcase your expertise and build your online following.

Crafting Your Message: Tips for Writing Engaging Fitness Content

1. Define your audience: The first step in writing an engaging fitness blog is to know who your audience is. Are you targeting gym-goers, athletes, or beginners? Knowing your audience helps you craft content that resonates with them and provides value.

2. Choose a compelling topic: Your blog topic should be something that your audience cares about. Think about the questions your clients or readers often ask you, or current fitness trends that are gaining popularity. Choosing a topic that is both timely and relevant to your audience will increase engagement.

3. Use a catchy headline: A great headline can make all the difference in whether your blog post gets read or not. Your headline should be catchy, informative, and concise. Use numbers, action words, and emotional triggers to make your headline stand out.

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4. Keep it simple: Writing in a simple, easy-to-understand language is crucial to engaging your audience. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that might confuse your readers. Use short sentences and paragraphs, and break up your content with headings and subheadings.

5. Write with personality: To make your blog stand out, inject some personality into your writing. One effective way to make your blog posts more engaging is by incorporating storytelling. This can be done by sharing your own personal fitness journey or by highlighting success stories from your clients. People connect with stories, and it can make your writing more relatable and memorable.

6. Use visuals: People are more likely to engage with content that includes visuals, so be sure to include high-quality images or videos to accompany your blog posts to break up text and add interest. This could be photos of exercises, meal prep, or even yourself. For example, if you're writing a blog post about proper squat technique, you could include a video demonstrating the correct form.
You can also incorporate infographics or data to support your points and add credibility to your writing.

7. Use Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your blog post to make it more search engine friendly. Do some research on the most popular keywords in your niche and try to incorporate them naturally into your content.

8. Offer value: Your blog should provide value to your readers, whether it's by offering workout tips, nutrition advice, or motivation. Make sure your content is informative, actionable, and helps your readers achieve their fitness goals. By providing value, you position yourself as a credible and knowledgeable fitness professional and establish yourself as an authority in the fitness industry.
9. Encourage interaction: Ask your readers questions, encourage them to share their experiences, and respond to their comments.

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10. End with a Call-to-Action: A call-to-action (CTA) is a clear instruction for readers to take a specific action, such as signing up for your newsletter or booking a session with you. Use a CTA at the end of your post to encourage readers to take action.

Audience Matters: How to Choose Blog Topics that Resonate with Your Readers

Now that you have a few tips for writing engaging fitness blogs, let's explore some potential topics to write about:

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• Workout tips and routines: Share your favourite workouts, exercises, and tips for staying in shape. Include photos or videos to help your readers visualise the workout.

• Exercise tutorials: Share your expertise by creating tutorials on specific exercises or workout routines. Make sure to include proper form and variations.

• Motivational content: We all need a little motivation sometimes, so share your tips for staying motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

• Healthy eating and meal prep: Teach your readers how to create healthy meals that are easy to make and taste great. Share your favourite recipes and meal prep tips.

• Fitness challenges: Create a fitness challenge that your readers can participate in. This could be a 30-day challenge to improve their fitness, lose weight, or increase their strength.

• Training for a specific event: If you have experience training clients for events like marathons, triathlons, or obstacle courses, share your tips and advice for preparing for these events.

• Injury prevention and recovery: Share your knowledge on how to prevent injuries and speed up recovery time. This could include stretching routines, exercises to improve posture, and tips for reducing inflammation.

• Mental health and wellness: Discuss the importance of mental health in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Share tips for reducing stress, improving sleep, and boosting mood.

• Client success stories: Share success stories from your clients, and how you helped them achieve their fitness goals. This not only provides inspiration for your readers but also shows the effectiveness of your training methods.

• Product reviews: Share your thoughts and opinions on the latest fitness products, equipment, and supplements. This can be a great way to generate affiliate income while also providing valuable insights to your readers.

• Fitness trends and news: Keep your readers up to date on the latest fitness trends and news. This could include new training techniques, emerging research, or popular diets.

• Q&A with industry experts: Conduct interviews with other fitness professionals, nutritionists, or medical experts to provide your readers with expert advice and insights on topics related to fitness and wellness.

• The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes: Why It's More Fun to Sweat with Friends

• How to Stay Motivated to Workout: Tips from Top Fitness Coaches

• The Best Supplements for Muscle Recovery and Growth

• The Importance of Rest and Recovery in Your Fitness Routine

• Healthy Eating on a Budget: Tips for Eating Clean Without Breaking the Bank

• The Benefits of Resistance Training: Why Lifting Weights is Key to Your Fitness Goals

• Training for Your First 5K: Tips and Tricks for Beginning Runners

• The Power of Mindset: How to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

• The Science Behind High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

• The Do's and Don'ts of Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition

• How to Overcome Plateaus in Your Fitness Progress

• The Role of Sleep in Your Fitness and Overall Health

• Effective Workout Routines for Busy Professionals

• The Benefits of Strength Training for Weight Loss

• How to Incorporate Fitness into Your Daily Routine

• Common Fitness Myths Debunked

• The Importance of Nutrition for Achieving your Fitness Goals

• Top 10 Exercises to Build Muscle Mass

• The Benefits of Interval Training for Weight Loss

• Staying Motivated During a Fitness Plateau

• The Role of Strength Training in Injury Prevention

• Balancing Fitness and Family Life

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These are just a few ideas to get you started. Writing engaging fitness blogs takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Remember, the key is to write about topics that align with your expertise and interests, while also being relevant to your target audience.

By creating engaging fitness blogs, you can not only attract new clients but also establish yourself as a knowledgeable and trusted expert in the fitness industry.

Happy writing!

Unleashing the Power of Online Personal Training

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Online Personal Training is efficient, scalable, and can be a great way to reach more clients and grow your income. However, like any business, there are important steps you need to take to ensure success.

But where should you start? In this blog, we'll go over the essential steps you need to follow to start your own online Personal Training business.

Decide what types of clients you want to work with online: Before you can start building your business, you need to have a clear understanding of who your target audience is and what niche you want to focus on. Your niche could be anything from weight loss to bodybuilding to pre/postnatal fitness.

Define your ideal client, and what problems you can help them solve. This information will help you tailor your marketing and training services to meet their needs. Consider factors like age, gender, fitness goals, and location when defining your ideal client.

There are many trainers out there, but you can set yourself apart by identifying your unique strengths and areas of expertise. 

You don't need 10,000+ Instagram followers or a massive marketing budget. What you need is to find your 1 Percent Uniqueness Factor—a niche where you have a clear advantage.

Create Your Brand Identity: Your brand identity is the way that you present yourself and your business to the world. It includes things like your logo, colour scheme, and messaging. Create a brand identity that reflects your personality, values, and fitness philosophy.

Build Your Online Presence: Your online presence is how clients will find you and interact with your business. Start by creating a website (see our previous blog ‘How to Create a Website that Reflects Your Fitness Business’) that showcases your services, pricing, and client testimonials. 

You should also create accounts across the popular social media platforms (see our previous blog ‘Setting Up Social Media for Your Fitness Business’) to promote your business and engage with potential clients.

Create a template with three or four training phases for each type of client: Developing a template with three or four training phases for each type of client can save you time and help you provide more efficient service. Templates don’t mean that you won’t individualise it. You'll adapt it for each client based on your onboarding process and initial assessment. And then you’ll continue to modify it over time as you see what does or doesn’t work for this client, and as you develop a deeper understanding of your client’s goals and abilities.

Some parts of the template won't likely change from client to client, such as programming considerations (sets, reps, rest, and tempo), order of movement patterns (your first exercise will probably always be a compound 'lift’ exercise), and workout split over the week. 

Other parts of the template will probably change from client to client, such as specific exercises, grips or equipment, and individualised aesthetic aspirations.

Compile a video library of the exercises in your online training programs

Your clients can't rely on you being present with them to correct their form, which is why video demos are so important. 
Create a video library with proper form and execution for each exercise. You don’t necessarily have to create your own videos, there are many fitness professionals on YouTube that have already created demos that you can share. But, you should make sure that the video accurately represents the form and techniques you want to showcase to your clients. 

Ensure the video is simple, without sound, and at least three full reps. Also, remember to organise your video collection in a spreadsheet for your own easy reference.

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Choose an online Personal Training software platform

Using software designed for online Personal Training makes your life a lot easier. It also creates a more professional experience for your clients.

Personal Training software can help you manage your clients, create workout plans, and track progress. Look for software that includes features like client management, billing, and progress tracking. 

Here’s what you can do with most online Personal Training software:

¡ Deliver your programs and videos
· Track your clients’ progress and data
¡ Collect payments and automatically bill your clients
¡ Communicate with clients through messaging, email, or video chat
¡ Integrate with other software, like fitness tracking apps
¡ Create custom templates and questionnaires

There are many different online Personal Training software options out there, so do your research and find the one that best fits your needs and budget.

Here are a few popular options:

¡ Trainerize
¡ My PT Hub
¡ TrueCoach
¡ PT Distinction

Consider using free trials to test out different options to determine which is the best fit for your business, before committing to a specific platform.

Set your prices and packages

Before you start marketing your services, you need to decide how much you’re going to charge and what you’re going to offer.

Pricing is a tricky game. You want to be competitive, but you also want to make enough money to justify your time and effort.

The fees for online Personal Training can vary depending on the trainer's experience, the level of support provided to the client, and the chosen model. Generally, the fees for one-on-one coaching are higher than the group coaching model, and the hybrid model falls in between.

Once you’ve figured out your pricing structure, it’s time to create your packages. Here are a few popular options:

One-on-One Coaching Model: This is the most common model used by Personal Trainers who have moved their business online. In this model, the trainer works with individual clients and provides customised workout plans and nutritional guidance tailored to the client's goals, abilities, and preferences. The PT will then provide ongoing support and adjustments to the plan as needed, communicating with the client through video conferencing, email, or messaging. The client can access the workouts and track progress through an app or website. 

Online Personal Trainers who utilise this model typically charge a flat fee for an initial consultation, and then charge a monthly fee, or a package fee for a set time period (eg. 12 weeks), for ongoing coaching and support.

Personalised attention and tailored workout plans for the client
More accountability and motivation for the client
Ability to build a strong coach-client relationship
Higher potential for client retention and referrals

Higher cost for the client due to the one-on-one attention
Limited scalability for the PT due to the time-intensive nature of one-on-one coaching

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On-Demand Model: This model is best suited for clients who prefer a flexible schedule and the ability to work out on their own time. With this model, the PT will provide pre-recorded workout plans that the client can access at any time, along with support and guidance as needed.

The workouts can be tailored to the client's fitness level and goals. Pre-made workouts can be delivered through an online platform or mobile app. Clients pay a flat monthly subscription fee each month for access to your programs and videos.

Flexibility for the client to workout at their own pace and schedule
Potentially lower cost for the client due to the lack of personalised attention
Higher potential for scalability for the PT due to the lack of time-intensive one-on-one coaching

Less accountability and motivation for the client
Limited opportunity for personalisation and tailoring of workout plans
Limited potential for building a strong coach-client relationship

Hybrid Coaching Model: This model combines the benefits of one-to-one coaching and group coaching. Clients receive personalised workout plans and ongoing support from a Personal Trainer, but also have access to group coaching sessions with other clients. This model works well for clients who have specific fitness goals and want individual attention but also enjoy the social support of a group. This may benefit clients but also want to be part of a community. Hybrid coaching can be done through video conferencing or messaging apps.

Online Personal Trainers who utilise this model typically charge a flat fee for the plan creation and group coaching, and then charge a monthly or weekly fee for ongoing coaching and support, with fees usually falling between the one-on-one coaching, and on demand models.

Combination of one-on-one attention and on-demand flexibility
Ability to personalise and tailor workout plans for the client
Higher potential for scalability for the PT due to the ability to offer both one-on-one and on-demand coaching

Higher cost for the client due to the one-on-one attention
Limited scalability for the PT in terms of time-intensive one-on-one coaching

Group Coaching Model: This model involves working with a group of clients who have similar fitness goals. The PT creates a workout plan for the group, provides ongoing coaching and support, and tracks progress, charging a lower monthly fee than you would for one-on-one coaching. This model is ideal for clients looking for accountability and who prefer a sense of community of like-minded individuals to share their progress with, providing an affordable alternative to one-on-one training.

Online Personal Trainers who utilise this model typically charge a flat fee for access to the group coaching program, with fees being lower than one-on-one training. Ongoing coaching and support is provided through a private Facebook group or other online platform.

Lower cost for the client due to the shared attention and resources of the PT
Potential for social support and motivation from other group members
Higher potential for scalability for the PT due to the ability to work with multiple clients at once

Less personalised attention and tailored workout plans for the client
Limited potential for building a strong coach-client relationship
Potential for scheduling conflicts and missed sessions due to multiple clients with different schedules

Fitness Challenges: This model involves the trainer creating a fitness challenge for clients to complete over a set period of time. Clients receive workout plans and support from the trainer throughout the challenge. Fitness challenges can be done through an online platform or mobile app.

Higher motivation and accountability for the client due to the competitive nature of challenges
Potential for social support and motivation from other challenge participants
Higher potential for scalability for the PT due to the ability to work with multiple clients at once

Limited opportunity for personalisation and tailoring of workout plans
Limited potential for building a strong coach-client relationship
Potential for scheduling conflicts and missed sessions due to multiple clients with different schedules

As outlined above, each model has its pros and cons, so it's important to choose the one that aligns with your business goals and strengths.

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Create an online Personal Training application form: An online Personal Training application form is essential for gathering information from potential clients and building rapport. Your application form should include the basics, such as name and contact information, as well as health, training history, and pre qualifying questions - is the client willing to invest their time and money on their health and fitness?

Think of the application form as your first meeting with a client. 

Choose an Online Training Payment Processing Service

Choose a payment processing service that is secure, easy to use, and has reasonable fees. 

There are several payment processing services that are popular and widely used in the UK and Europe for online Personal Training. Some of the best options include:

PayPal: PayPal is a popular payment processing service that is widely used for online transactions. It is easy to set up and use, and allows clients to pay using their PayPal account or credit/debit card.

Stripe: Stripe is a popular payment processing service that is known for its user-friendly interface and easy integration with websites and mobile apps.

GoCardless: GoCardless is a payment processing service that specialises in recurring payments. It is a good option for Personal Trainers who offer subscription-based services.

Square: Square is a payment processing service that is widely used in the US, but is also available in the UK and Europe. It offers a range of payment options, including credit/debit card payments and mobile payments.

PaySimple: PaySimple is a payment processing service that's designed specifically for small businesses, including Personal Trainers. It offers a variety of payment options, including credit cards, e-checks, and recurring billing.

Revolut: Revolut is a financial technology company that offers online banking services, including a debit card and payment processing capabilities. You can accept payments from clients using Revolut by creating an invoice or requesting a payment through the Revolut app. However, it is important to note that Revolut is primarily designed for individual use and may not be the best option for larger businesses with high transaction volumes.

When choosing a payment processing service, it's important to consider the fees associated with each service, as well as the security and ease of use. It's also important to make sure the service integrates with your website or app, and that it offers the payment options your clients prefer.

Don't be afraid to charge slightly more to account for credit card processing fees, it's a cost of doing business!

Launch your online Personal Training business: Once you've completed all of the previous steps, it's time to launch your Online Personal Training business and begin marketing your services. 

Here are some tips to make sure your launch is successful:

Start with your existing network: Reach out to your current and former clients, friends, family members, and colleagues and let them know about your new online training business. Ask them to spread the word to anyone they know who might be interested. 

Ask your current clients for referrals and incentivise them to bring in new business.

Use social media: Post regularly and engage with your followers regularly across social media platforms to build a strong online presence. Run targeted ads to your ideal clients.

Create valuable content: Create blog posts, videos, and other content that showcases your expertise and provides value to your potential clients. Share this content on your website and social media accounts.

Offer a free trial or consultation: Offer a free trial or consultation to new clients to give them a taste of what you have to offer.

Focus on providing exceptional service: Once you've signed up new clients, focus on providing exceptional service to keep them coming back and referring others to your business.

Remember, marketing is a long game. It takes time and effort to build your online presence and attract clients. But if you’re consistent and strategic, you can build a thriving online Personal Training business that helps people achieve their fitness goals and supports your financial goals as well. Stay focused on your goals, provide high-quality service, and continually learn and improve your skills to grow your business.

How to Create a Website that Reflects Your Fitness Business

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As a fitness business owner, having a professional website can help you attract and retain clients. A well-designed website can also establish credibility and trust with your audience.

However, building a website from scratch can seem daunting, especially if you don't have any web development experience. 

Don't worry, in this blog post, we'll walk you through the process of setting up a website for your fitness business. 

Let's get started…

Define your website goals and audience: Your website should cater to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience, whether that's one-on-one Personal Training, or group fitness classes, etc. 

It's important to keep your ideal client or target demographic in mind. This is where the concept of an "avatar" comes into play. Your avatar represents the type of person you want to attract as a client or member. 

By defining your avatar and tailoring your website to their needs, you can create a more personalised and effective experience for potential clients. 
This approach can help them feel more connected to your business and more likely to become a customer.

Choose a domain name: A domain name is the address of your website. Choose a name that reflects your brand and is easy to remember. See our ‘How to Choose a Domain’ blog for more information about domain names.

Select a hosting provider: A hosting provider is where your website's files will be stored and accessed by visitors. Compare hosting providers for their pricing, security features, and customer support. Choose a reputable hosting provider that offers fast loading times and reliable uptime.

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Choose a website builder or content management system (CMS): There are many website platforms to choose from, such as WordPress, Squarespace, Weebly and Wix. These platforms offer pre-built templates and customisation options. Research and compare features to find the one that suits your needs and budget.

Set up your website's template: Select a template or design your website's layout, keeping in mind your branding and target audience. Make sure it's visually appealing, easy to navigate, mobile-responsive (ie. the layout automatically adjusts the layout of your website based on the size of the screen it's being viewed on), and optimised for fast loading speeds.

Create a site map and design the layout of your website: A site map is a visual representation of the pages on your website, which helps you organise and structure your content. Once you have your site map, it's time to design the layout of your website. This includes choosing a colour scheme, fonts, and images that are consistent with your brand and visually appealing to your target audience.

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Create a clear and concise homepage: Your homepage is the first impression visitors will have of your website. Make sure it clearly communicates what you offer and how you can help your target audience.

The importance of the 'above the fold' section on your website cannot be overstated. This section refers to the information a visitor sees on their screen before scrolling. 
Just like with newspapers, this part of your website needs to capture the visitor's attention and entice them to explore further. It should serve as a summary of your entire website, including the business name, unique selling proposition (USP), and location (for brick-and-mortar businesses). 

Additionally, it should provide a brief summary of your business and include a clear 'call to action' with either a form or a link to encourage visitors to take action. By effectively designing and utilising the 'above the fold' section, you can increase the chances of visitors engaging with your website and ultimately converting them into paying customers.

Showcase your services and offerings: When designing a website, it's important to focus on your USP. This is what sets you apart from other fitness businesses and can help attract customers. 

Your USP should be prominently displayed on your website, ideally 'below the fold'. It should be clear and concise, highlighting what your business does best and what makes it unique. 

For example, you might specialise in a particular type of workout or offer personalised training programs. Whatever your USP is, make sure it's front and centre on your website to help attract potential customers.

Create separate pages for each service or offering you provide, including descriptions, pricing, and any other relevant information.

Create an about page that connects with your audience: Your "About" page is an opportunity to connect with your audience and establish a personal connection. 
It should tell your story, mission, and values to build trust with your visitors. 

However, it's important not to make this section solely about your business. This page should highlight the problems your business specialises in solving. By listing these problems, you can show your avatar that you understand and empathise with their challenges and are the best fit to help them solve their problems. 

Remember, every business exists to solve a problem, and your "About" page should reflect that.

Include client testimonials and success stories: Social proof is a powerful tool to establish trust and credibility with your potential customers. 

Including testimonials or success stories on your website is a great way to showcase how you have helped people in the past. 

Your avatar wants to see that people similar to them have had success in working with you to solve similar problems. This creates a sense of relatability and encourages them to take action towards working with you. 

Don't be afraid to showcase your best success stories and let your past clients do the talking for you.

Create high-quality content: Your website content should be engaging, informative, and relevant to your fitness business. Fill your website with high-quality content, including images and videos for better user experience. You may also want to add a blog section to share fitness tips and updates, to provide value to your audience and showcase your fitness expertise and services.

Optimise your website for search engines:  Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the practice of optimising your website to rank higher in search engine results pages. This involves using relevant keywords and metatags in your website content, optimising your site structure and navigation, and obtaining backlinks from other reputable websites. By optimising your website for search engines, you can attract more visitors and grow your fitness business.

Integrate social media: Link your website to your social media accounts and include social media icons and sharing buttons. This can help increase your social media following and website traffic. See our ‘Setting Up Social Media’ blog for more information about creating social media accounts.

Add contact information: Make it easy for potential clients to contact you by adding your contact information, such as your phone number and email address, to your website. 

Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your website: The primary goal of a Fitness Business Website is to get your avatar to take action. This is where your offer and call to action come in.

In most cases, this involves the person contacting you through various means. You need to provide a compelling reason or offer that entices them to reach out to you. Then, make it easy for them to do so with a simple, low-friction way, like a webform.

Your call to action should align with the unique selling proposition of your business and clearly communicate the benefits of taking that action.This could include signing up for a free trial or e-book, booking a consultation, or purchasing a package that helps solve a problem your avatar faces.

Make it easy for visitors to take the next step by including clear CTAs throughout your website. Place it in strategic locations, such as the 'above the fold' section or the end of a blog post, to encourage visitors to take action.

Test and optimise: Regularly test and optimise your website's performance, including page load times and user experience. Make adjustments based on analytics data to improve your website's effectiveness. Regularly update your site with fresh content, promotions, and announcements to keep your audience engaged.


Your fitness website is a powerful tool to help you stand out in a crowded industry and attract new clients to your business. 

As the first impression for potential clients, it's important to make a great one. Creating a website that reflects your brand, has a clear layout and easy navigation will help you achieve this. 

Remember to define your target audience, highlight your unique selling proposition, and showcase social proof with testimonials and success stories. Your website should have a clear call-to-action that provides a compelling reason for visitors to contact you. 

By keeping it simple and focusing on the customer, you'll be well on your way to a successful fitness website that helps you grow your business.

Setting Up Social Media for Your Fitness Business

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As a fitness business owner, you need to leverage social media to reach out to potential clients, connect with your existing ones, and build your brand. But with so many platforms available, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. 
How do you set up social media accounts for your fitness business? In this blog, we’ll take you through the essential steps to set up social media accounts for your fitness business. From choosing the right platforms to creating profiles, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started!

Determine your target audience and ideal platforms: Before setting up social media accounts, determine your target audience and the platforms they use. For example, if your target audience is millennials, Instagram might be the best platform for your business. If you’re targeting professionals, LinkedIn might be a better option. Once you’ve identified your target audience, research the demographics of each platform to determine which ones align with where your target audience spends their time.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are some of the most popular social media platforms in the fitness industry. Facebook allows you to create a business page and promote your services, while Instagram and Twitter are great for showcasing fitness-related content, such as workouts, before and after pictures, and healthy eating tips.

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Create Your Profiles: Once you have selected the platforms, it's time to create your profiles. Use your business name as your username and add a professional profile picture and cover photo that represent your brand.

Make sure to include a clear and concise bio that tells people what your business is about, and add a link to your website. It's essential to use high-quality images and videos that showcase your fitness services and expertise.

Post engaging content: The key to social media success is posting engaging consistent content that resonates with your audience. Create a content calendar and plan out your posts ahead of time. Post a variety of content that educates, entertains, and inspires your target audience. Share workout tips, nutrition advice, success stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. Use high-quality images and videos to capture your audience's attention, and aim to post at least 3-4 times per week.

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Engage with your followers: Social media is a two-way conversation, so engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages promptly. It's an excellent opportunity to showcase your customer service skills and build trust and loyalty with your audience that can lead to word-of-mouth referrals.

Use hashtags and optimise for search: Hashtags are a great way to increase the reach of your posts. Research popular hashtags in your industry and include them in your posts. Additionally, optimise your posts for search engines by including relevant keywords in your captions and using alt text for images.

Utilise social media advertising: Social media advertising is a powerful tool that can help you reach your target audience and promote your business. Consider running targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram to promote your fitness business, target specific demographics, and drive traffic to your website.


In summary, effectively leveraging social media for your fitness business is a powerful tool to build your brand, connect with clients, and attract new customers to your business.

Claiming for GET QUALIFIED grant in Malta 🇲🇹

 This is a quick blog for our Malta-based graduates 🇲🇹 to help them with the process of applying for Malta Enterprise’s Get Qualified scheme. 
What is the Get Qualified Scheme?
GET QUALIFIED is an initiative in Malta that supports the personal development of individuals for the achievement of qualifications and certifications required by industry. 
All European Personal Training Institute PT Diploma course packages, as well as the Gym Instructor course, are approved for this funding.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will benefit from a tax credit enabling them to recover 70% of the course fee.
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Who is eligible to claim?
Anyone paying tax in Malta (or has a parent paying tax in Malta).
How to claim? 
Follow the 5 steps below:
    1. Once you have successfully completed the Personal Trainer practical course assessments and have received your Focus Award Personal Training course certificate by email from us, navigate to the Get Qualified website:
You can register for an account here:
    2.  Choose the appropriate Personal Trainer Diploma course package that you completed (copy and paste the exact name of the course from below) :

    • Focus Awards Level 3 Diploma Practitioner in Personal Training (Basic) 
    • Focus Awards Level 3 Diploma Practitioner in Personal Training (Advanced)
    • Focus Awards Level 3 Diploma Practitioner in Personal Training (Master)
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or, if you did not complete a Personal Training Diploma, but the Gym Instructor course only:
    • Focus Awards Level 2 Certificate in Planning and Delivering Gym Based exercise
NB: If you completed a Personal Trainer Diploma course, you do not need to choose the Gym Instructor course - this course is already covered in the appropriate Diploma course package. 
    3. You then only need to upload the digital Personal Trainer course certificate (PT Diploma course graduates), or the digital Gym Instructor course certificate, if you completed the Gym Instructor course only.

    4. You will then need to request a letter of course payment declaration from us. You can contact us by email,  please enclose your Malta ID number in the email as we require this information for the letter.

    5. Get Qualified will require you to upload a letter of course acceptance. This was sent to you following your application form being reviewed and accepted by us. Once you have located this email (title “PT Diploma Application Successful” sent from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) save it to your computer. You can do this by:

    1. Clicking the 3 dots at top right of the email

    2. Select “Print” from the drop down menu

    3. Make sure Destination is “Save as PDF” and then click the “Save” button.
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